Trigger Point Therapy | Pain Relief
Trigger points are pressure points that have developed within the muscle. They are bands of muscles that have become too tight and feel as a painful area within the muscle of the body or the spine. When most people talk about having a “knot” in their neck or back, this is what they are referring to.
These trigger points, or knots, can result in pain in the direct area, referred pain, muscle weakness, and restricted movement and flexibility of the spine.
Our team at Worldwide Integrative Healthcare specialize in treating this condition through trigger point injection therapy. These injections are always performed by a medical practitioner, with treatment only taking a few minutes. The medication used in trigger point therapy is anti-inflammatory, plant based and non-toxic. It’s a wonderful option as compared to similar treatments.
Corticosteroids, for example, can produce harmful side effects such as damage or weakening of tendons, cartilages or bones.Our patients who are receiving Trigger Point Therapies are thrilled with the results they are having.
If you or someone you know suffers from trigger points or painful knots, please do not hesitate to give us a call to see if you would be a candidate for trigger point therapy.
Call 650-877-0999 today or email us here!