Our team of pain and physical medicine providers specialize in treating the following conditions Arthritis Auto Accident Injuries Back Problems Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Inflammatory Conditions Chronic & Radiating Pain Digestive Problems Disc Herniation's & Disc Bulges Emotional/Well-being Fibromyalgia Foot/Ankle/Knee Pain Hand & Arm Tingling Headaches Hot Flashes Insomnia & Sleep Conditions Knee Arthritis & Knee Pain Leg Pain or Sciatica Low Energy Low Back or Neck Pain Lower & Upper Back Pain Muscle Aches/Strains/Sprains Neck Pain Night Sweats Nutrition Pain in the Joints Pain Management Pediatric Care Personal Injury Pinched Nerve Pregnancy Care Sciatica Sports injuries Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain Sleep Problems Spinal Problems Sports Injuries Tension Headaches or Migraines Weight Loss & Nutrition Wrist Pain or Carpal Tunnel Whiplash Diagnostic Capabilities