Jeanelle Diaz, CMT
Jeanelle Diaz, CMT | Certified Massage Therapist
Jeanelle is an accomplished graduate of Skyline College, having acquired five AS Degrees in the natural and life sciences. With a passion for holistic health, Jeanelle has studied various healing arts such as gem elixirs, energy healing, acupuncture, and more. However, chiropractic care has made such a positive impact on her life, that she is currently pursuing it as a career.
During the week, Jeanelle spends her days studying at Palmer College of Chiropractic in San Jose, CA. Although her curriculum keeps her busy, she continues to offer massage and bodywork at Worldwide Integrative as well as various locations in the South Bay and Peninsula.
She is currently continuing to refine her skills as a massage therapist as she works with professional athletes. Recently, she has worked with the Golden State Warriors during the 2013 Playoff season and has assisted with bodywork for the San Francisco 49ers in Santa Clara, CA.